Why Yorkton
What are some factors people take into consideration when finding the perfect City to live in?
- Affordable housing
- Amenities
- Business opportunities
- Being close to friends and family
- Driving distance to the workplace
- A safe place to raise a family
We can confidently check all of these boxes, providing you with a diversified economy and a good quality of life.
Yorkton is an attractive place to live, according to a new study from the School of Public Policy Publications.
Yorkton has a growing economic base with more than 1,000 local businesses. Our main economy driver is the agriculture and food processing industry with:
- Food processing plants
- Grain elevators
- Manufacturing facilities
Commercial and retail industries also have a significant share in the local economy. View our Business Directory for more information on businesses in Yorkton.
We have:
- A diverse and educated workforce
- Over 60% of the region's residents in the labour force
- Support from our local Parkland College by offering courses to meet job market demands
Our Official Community Plan was rated the most ‘Active - Living Friendly' in Saskatchewan by a University of Regina study. The City of Yorkton promotes physical activities through different cultural and recreational programs. Excellent healthcare, education and other public services contribute to the quality of life.