Discretionary Use Development Permits

All property in the City of Yorkton is assigned a zoning district. In each zone, land uses can be permitted, prohibited or discretionary. Any development proposal which falls under a discretionary category requires approval by City Council before development may occur.

How do I apply?

Step 1: Book a pre-application meeting with Planning and Land Use;

Step 2: Complete the Development Permit Application;

Step 3: Submit your application in person or by email to Planning and Land Use and pay the Discretionary Use Application fee outlined below.

Step 4: The application process will take a minimum of 5 weeks depending on the Council Meeting schedule.

Step 5: If approved, pay Development Permit fees.


Our fees are described in Schedule B of the Zoning Bylaw.

For an estimate, please contact Planning and Land Use.

Appealing a decision

If you disagree with any of the conditions of a permit you may be able to file an appeal with the Development Appeals Board.

You may be able to make an appeal for conditions of a Discretionary Use Permit but you cannot make an appeal for a denied Discretionary Use Permit.

For more information, please see Development Permits.