Unsafe Housing

Ensuring safe housing for residents within the community is a priority for Fire Protective Services.  This includes safe rental housing and unsafe outdoor living conditions.  

 FAQ (Frequently asked questions)

 What's the City of Yorkton's role in addressing houselessness? 
 Houselessness is a result of many contributing factors.  The City of Yorkton is committed to bringing other stakeholders and local community-based organizations together to ensure resources are available and ensure the community is best positioned to address issues surrounding mental health, addictions and houselessness.  
 When should I call the City of Yorkton? 
 Should you encounter a tent or temporary structure that is unsafe, please contact Bylaw Services at 306-786-1725 or notify us using the Notify for Unsafe Housing button below.  Please provide the location of the tent and any other details you're able to provide, such as if you've noticed individuals near the tent or temporary structure, and any other details relating to criminal activity.  Should the Bylaw Services Division require any other information, we will reach out.  Please note, if the tent or temporary shelter is on private property, the RCMP will need to be called to investigate the issue as trespassing.  

 When should I call RCMP? 

 Houselessness describes a scenario where people are without consistent dwelling and is not a criminal activity.  The RCMP will take action for theft, public consumption of alcohol or drugs, trespassing, etc. 
 What if I'm concerned about the well-being of someone living in a tent or encampment? 
 If you are concerned about the well-being of someone living in a tent or encampment, please contact Bylaw Services or the RCMP to relay your concerns.  If it is an emergency, call 911.  It is appreciated if you can provide any additional details such as a description of the person.  
 What's the best way that I can help the houseless? 
 There are many great ways to help the houseless.  You can provide donations or food to the local food banks, community fridge, local shelters, or other community-based organizations working directly with the houseless.  Saying hi or speaking to someone who is houseless with dignity and respect also can make a big difference. 
 What do I do if I see someone digging in the garbage bins or dumpsters? 
 Unfortunately, many who are houseless may go through garbage bins looking for discarded food, bottles that can be turned in for cash, or other items that they may need for their survival.  If you are concerned about the individuals well-being, you can contact Bylaw Services at 306-786-1725, however if it's an emergency, call 911. 
 What do I do if I find a needle in front of my business? 
 If you see a discarded needle, you can contact Bylaw Services at 306-786-1725.  A Community Safety Officer will come dispose of the needle or other drug paraphernalia for you.  If a Community Safety Officer is not available, someone from Fire Protective Services will be contacted to pick up the needle. 


Notification of unsafe housing concern