City of Yorkton receives funding from FCM

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The City of Yorkton was one out of three Saskatchewan Municipalities to receive funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) through the Green Municipal Fund (GMF).

Yorkton received $150,200 to complete a study to establish potential upgrades to the wastewater treatment plant and water re-use options and reduce its impact on Yorkton Creek and nutrient-rich Assiniboine River, maintain regulatory compliance and explore future growth and re-use possibilities.

 The feasibility study will consider three potential solutions:

  1. maintain discharges but upgrade the treatment plant system;
  2. Propose alternative release options to improve the quality of Yorkton Creek by reducing (or eliminating) the need for creek discharge; and
  3. Re-introduce water into the Yorkton’s aquifer, which would benefit the city in many ways (e.g., new and/or improved recreational options, recharging existing aquifers, and creating economic benefits by attracting wet industries that rely on well water to the Yorkton area). 

Administered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, the GMF is an endowment from the Government of Canada that helps local governments switch to sustainable practices faster. The GMF is empowering the expertise of municipalities of all sizes to improve their energy, expand conservation efforts, and upgrade their essential infrastructure all while creating local jobs and building a more sustainable country.