Commissions Committees and Boards

Advisory Committees and Boards are long term groups established under various legislation or needs of the City. Members contribute to the development of policies, procedures and initiatives by working with Council to improve services and programs for our community.
Member Testimonials

What advice would you give to anyone interested in joining a City committee or board?

Why did you decide to join a City committee or board?

How long have you served on a City committee or board?

Role of Council Committees

City Council is first and foremost a local government, with one its primary roles being representation. Council committees are a tool used by Council in its representation role, to provide valuable input from a broad base in the community.  All Council committee members are expected to adhere to the Council and Committee Code of Ethics

Just as City Council does not get involved in the day-to-day operations of the Administration, the Council Committees also do not address administrative matters, but focus on higher-level policy issues.

The work of Council Committees comes from several sources:

  • City Council
  • Citizens
  • Administration
  • The Council Committee itself

Once the appropriate reviews on matters before a Council Committee are completed by that Council Committee, with input being provided from the Administration and other affected bodies, a report with recommendation(s) is prepared and submitted to City Council for its review and decision.

All Committee Meetings are open to the public and all meeting dates and times are posted on the Council and Committee Calendar.

The City of Yorkton Procedure Bylaw sets out the rules and provisions for the conduct of business in Council meetings and meetings of Council's committees.

Interested in sharing your voice?

We value diversity and encourage applications from members of Indigenous peoples, visible minorities, women and people of all abilities.

How do I apply?

Thank you for your interest in participating in your local government.  Applications can be filled out and submitted online here, emailed to, or mail or hand deliver a submission to:

City of Yorkton

c/o City Clerk's Office

2nd Floor - 37 Third Avenue N

P.O. Box 400

Yorkton, SK  S3N 2W3 

How are appointments made?

Applications are compiled and forwarded to the Mayor for review and recommendation. The Mayor's recommendations are taken to City Council for final approval.

What happens if I am appointed?

You will receive formal notification of your appointment from the Mayor's Office. The letter will indicate the term of your appointment and any other information you should know.

Current Appointments

The Mayor is an ex-officio voting member of all Board and Committee meetings, but is not included in determining a quorum.

Members of Council may attend Board and Committee meetings and may take part in the proceedings of same, however unless appointed as a member, shall not have a vote.

All appointments are served on a voluntary basis, with exception to the Development Appeal Board. Appointments are for one-year terms, or as otherwise stated.

* indicates a member new to the board

** indicates a Councillor new to the board

Board of Revision

Requirement under The Cities Act Sec. 192

2025 Assessment Year – Western Municipal Consulting Ltd. 


Civic Recognition Awards Committee


To establish a Civic Recognition Awards Committee and establish parameters to adjudicate and annually recommend Yorkton Civic Recognition Award recipients to Council as well as adjudicate and recommend recipients of Certificate of Achievement nominations.

City Council Policy No. 10.440


Mayor Aaron Kienle ** 

Councillor Quinn Haider

Councillor Randy Goulden**

Sherry MacDonald*

Tom Seeley


Municipal Heritage Advisory Sub-Committee

City Council Policy No. 10.300


Gene Denischuk

Larry Pearen


Development Appeals Board


To adjudicate planning and development appeals pursuant to Section 3.16.1 of Zoning Bylaw No. 14/2003 and as provided for under Section 26, and Sections 213 to 227, inclusive, of The Planning and Development Act, 2007, and subsequent amendments thereto.

Development Appeals Board Bylaw


Sheldon Stechyshyn 

Jerome Niezgoda

Kosta Stamatinos

Scott Sharpe

Brinton Hall*


District Planning Commission

Planning District Agreement Bylaw


Mayor Aaron Kienle**

Councillor Stephanie Ortynsky**

Economic Development Committee


The purpose of the Committee is to provide strategic direction with its recommendations to Council and centralize the efforts of different stakeholders in order to foster the process of sustainable economic development in the City of Yorkton and area.

Economic Development Committee Bylaw


Councillor Dustin Brears

Councillor Darcy Zaharia

Gwen Machnee

Bob Knox

Don Reed

Ayodele Komolafe

Marty Sveinbjornson

Ajay Tadi

Greg Haas*

Corey Werner*

Emergency Measures Organization

Requirement under the Emergency Act Section 9 (1) and City of Yorkton Bylaw No. 7/98


Trevor Morrisey, EMO Coordinator

Mayor Aaron Kienle**

Councillor Dustin Brears

Councillor Randy Goulden

Councillor Quinn Haider

Councillor Darcy Zaharia

Councillor Greg Litvanyi**

Councillor Stephanie Ortynsky**


Environmental Committee


The purpose of the Environmental Committee is to advise and assist the Council with respect to all matters pertaining to water treatment, wastewater treatment and solid waste management within the City of Yorkton.

Environmental Committee Bylaw


Councillor Dustin Brears

Councillor Darcy Zaharia

Sandra Bilan

Stefan Bymak

Shannon Erickson

Jason Signarowski

Kris Gendall

Rick Sheichuk*

Rong Lu*

Gallagher Centre Management Board

Per the agreement with Yorkton Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition Association - July 12/2013


Mayor Aaron Kienle**

Councillor Dustin Brears

Councillor Randy Goulden (Chair)

Councillor Quinn Haider

Councillor Greg Litvanyi**

Parkland Regional Library Board

Requirement under The Public Libraries Act, 1996 32(3) & (4).


Councillor Randy Goulden**

Juanita Brown

Bolatito Olaoye

Eileen Dellow




Taylor Jakubowski*

Planning & Infrastructure Commission


The Commission will investigate and study land use related activities, demographic trends, municipal infrastructure related to the planning and development of the community including related capital projects, and/or any other matter inside or outside the municipality, that, in the opinion of the Commission, is related to the physical, social or economic circumstances of the municipality and affects or may affect development of the municipality.

Planning & Infrastructure Commission Bylaw


Councillor Stephanie Ortynsky**

Councillor Quinn Haider

Eugene Fedorowich

Doug Forster

Isabel O'Soup

Corey Werner*

Mike Popowich

Eleanor Shumay

Glen Tymiak

Jerry Kobylka (Christ the Teacher Catholic School Division)

Jan Morrison (Good Spirit School Division)

Property Standards Appeal Board

Property Standards Bylaw


Mayor Aaron Kienle**

Councillor Dustin Brears

Councillor Darcy Zaharia

Councillor Greg Litvanyi

Councillor Stephanie Ortynsky

Protective Services Committee


To advise and assist City Council with respect to all matters pertaining to the safety and protection of people and property within the municipality; specifically those services provided by Police, Fire Services, Emergency Measures, Bylaw Enforcement, Ambulance, and 911 within the City of Yorkton.

Protective Services Committee Bylaw


Mayor Aaron Kienle**

Councillor Dustin Brears

Rasak Abdullahi* 

Michelle Goulden

Larry Pearen

Larry Off*

Scott Robertson

Andrew Sedley

Pat Taylor*

Tereza Vaslyuk*

Recreation and Community Services


The Recreation and Community Services Committee's purpose is to guide Administration and recommend to City Council ways to improve community, parks and recreation services in the City of Yorkton.

Recreation and Community Services Bylaw


Councillor Randy Goulden

Councillor Greg Litvanyi*

Anne Stupak

Ryan Cox

Gurjit Dhaliwal 

Delmar Zwirsky

Doug Wilkinson 

Bolatito Olaoye*

Brian Trollope*

Yorkton Municipal Airport Authority Inc.

Requirement under The Business Corporations Act


Mayor Aaron Kienle**

Councillor Dustin Brears

Councillor Randy Goulden

Councillor Quinn Haider

Councillor Darcy Zaharia

Councillor Greg Litvanyi**

Councillor Stephanie Ortynsky**

Yorkton Business Improvement District

Business Improvement District Bylaw


Councillor Stephanie Ortynsky**

Lori Chute

Dave Nussbaumer

Doug Hall

Sean Craib-Petkau

Damon Syrota

Logan Burym*

Ernesto Martinez*

Kelly Hancock*

Mark Smith*

Harley McClughan*

Yorkton Housing Corporation Board

Yorkton Housing Corporation Board


Mayor Aaron Kienle**

Councillor Dustin Brears

Councillor Randy Goulden

Councillor Quinn Haider

Councillor Darcy Zaharia

Councillor Greg Litvanyi**

Councillor Stephanie Ortynsky**

Yorkton Public Library Board


The purpose of the Yorkton Public Library Board is to provide advice and guidance to Yorkton City Council, the Board and Director of the Parkland Regional Library as well as the Chief Librarian for the Yorkton Public Library on maintaining and enhancing library services in the City of Yorkton.

Establish Local Library - Bylaw No. 13/2015


Councillor Randy Goulden**

Juanita Brown

Eileen Dellow

Taylor Jakubowski*

Bolatito Olaoye

Taylor Morrison – Ex-officio