Street and Sidewalk Snow Removal Survey

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Snow Plowing Roads

The City of Yorkton provides snow removal and ice control services throughout the winter months to ensure our roads, sidewalks and pathways are safe and reliable. Our Snow and Ice Control and Removal Policy describes how snow and ice control will be handled by the City once a snowfall hits. 

Our Snow Removal Policy was last revised in 2013. In 2017, a new traffic bylaw was passed which included provisions for parking bans on designated routes during winter months. This was approved as a cost saving measure and to help expedite snowplowing operations. The snow removal policy is more specific and provides guidelines for the operation of our snow removal and ice control programs.

CLOSED: This survey has concluded. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in our survey. Your feedback is important in helping the City develop informed recommendations.

We are currently in the process of reviewing the Snow and Ice Control and Removal Policy. To ensure we have an understanding of the public opinion on snow and ice control operations, we have created this survey. 



70 km Street and Urban Connectors
70 Km Sidewalk Snow Removal
16 km Pathway Snow Removal