Yorkton Ranks in Top Culture Days Community

Posted on Friday, December 13, 2024

For Immediate Release

December 13, 2024


With over 50 separate arts and culture events organized by more than 35 local artists and arts and culture organization, Yorkton has ranked 4th place across the country in the Towns and Rural Areas category.


“Ranking among the top Culture Days communities is a true honour for Yorkton.” said Mayor Aaron Kienle. “This achievement reflects the dedication of our organizations and all who are involved. Thank you to everyone who made it possible, and I encourage everyone to join in next year and celebrate Yorkton’s vibrant arts, history, and culture!” he continued.


This acknowledgment is a testament to Yorkton’s commitment and support of arts and culture in our community and evidence of the wealth of opportunities that are available, right here at home. Culture Days Yorkton is made possible through the support and efforts of many dedicated event organizers and with generous support from SaskCulture. A full listing of participating organizations can be found on the City’s website and on the Culture Days Yorkton Facebook page.


According to Angelina Kardynal, Yorkton Culture Days Coordinatior, “Appearing in the national rankings is significant to the overall awareness of Yorkton as a thriving and progressive community offering many opportunities for arts and culture.”

“This is the fifth year that Yorkton has ranked well in the number of Culture Days events. The more exciting part, I believe, is that we have more artists and event organizers coming forward and connecting with each other.” said Lisa Washington, Manager of Community, Culture & Heritage with the City of Yorkton. “The collaboration and support within the arts and culture community, along with support from residents, is something not quantifiable yet so enduring and important. These connections create a more welcoming, inclusive and unique Yorkton.”


Culture Days aims to:

  • Foster appreciate and support of the artistic and cultural life that is lived, created and expressed across the country in urban, suburba, and rural areas alike.
  • Promote direct interaction between creators and the public, as a key to increasing understanding and appreciation of arts and culture.
  • Affirm that every citizen is the guardian of the cultural life of their community.

Additional information about Culture Days and the national organization can be found at www.culturedays.ca.


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For Further information contact: Lisa Washington

Manager of Community, Culture & Heritage Recreation & Community Services

City of Yorkton 306-786-1750
